This Week's Woodland Grocery Specials

Thistle: roots are a good source of starch.

Sheep sorrel: young leaves are just starting to emerge.

Morels: the season is just starting in southern MI.

Young mayapples: note locations to look for fruit later in the summer

Like other roots, thistle roots are easiest to dig in sandy soil after a light rain. They are good when mixed with other vegetables. Try them in stir-fries, soups, stews, and pot pies. Sheep sorrel is a common weed in lawns and gardens. The tangy-sour flavor makes it a delicious salad green and is also a nice accent when cooked in fish dishes, soups, or rice. To find morels, you must develop a "search image". This means that the more you find, the easier it becomes to see them. Practicing with experienced morel hunters is the best way to learn, so look for a mushroom club in your area. In Southern Michigan, you can check out Mushroom Day on May 14. Mayapples waking up are a good indicator that it is a morel time. Don't overlook all of the young plants while you are searching for morels.       


This Week's Woodland Grocery Specials


This week's woodland grocery specials