This Week's Woodland Grocery Specials
Rice grows in shallow water, typically at the depths between the shoreline rushes and sedges and the floating leaves of waterlillies. Native people would hold annual rice camps, where they would gather to harvest and process the rice.
Hops is a wonderful, aromatic flower. In addition to making delicious beer, hops can be used medicinally. Hops tea has a mild sedative effect, and hops infused oil is excellent for sore muscles.
Touch-me-not, also known as jewel weed, can be used to treat mosquito bites, poison ivy, and many other types of skin irritation. The stem of the plant produces a slippery juice that soothes itching and burning.
Bittersweet vines are long, thin, and flexible. They can be easily woven into baskets and split for wicker work. The roots have a beautiful orange color and can also be woven. Oriental bittersweet is an extremely aggressive invader, so when you find it you will have no shortage of weaving materials. However, it is very important to make sure that you do not transport the seeds.
Wild carrot seeds are surprisingly flavorful. Use them like caraway or coriander to season soups, stews, meats, and veggies. The seeds will dry on the seed heads, where they will often remain throughout the winter and even into the spring.