This Week's Woodland Grocery Specials

Grape Leaves and Tendrils, Service Berries, Puffballs, Salsify Buds, Elder Flower, Milkweed Flower

Grape Leaves can be stuffed or used in pickling. Grape tendrils are good on salads, or just to much on. The Service Berries are ripening, but you may have trouble beating the wildlife to them. If you can only get a few, try making a vinaigrette with them. Puffball season is starting, so be on the lookout. Salsify buds can be used in soup, stir fry or salad, and also makes a pretty good quick pickle. Elder flower and milkweed flower are beautiful and fragrant. The combination is a favorite for making wild yeast cordial or wine.

Check out the video for more information and tips.

Calling All Wild Foodies!!!  Come practice finding wild foods and turning them into gourmet meals at Forage and Feast Camp, coming up in just a few weeks. Great for all skill levels. Check out our upcoming events page for details.

Want more seasonal recipes and foraging tips? Don't miss a post. Join the email list to get wild food recipes and regular updates on seasonal foraging conditions in southern Michigan and the Great Lakes Region. No spam, just local foraging info.

Rachel Mifsud

Founder (and everything else)

“I hate going to the store. I do my grocery shopping in the woods.”

I have my BS in Environmental Biology and my MS in Ecology. I have worked as field biologist and ecologist throughout the Eastern U.S., and am a Biology lecturer at the University of Michigan - Dearborn. I have been teaching for over 20 years and have spent considerable time working with students in the classroom, in the woods, and on-line.


This Week's Woodland Grocery Specials


This Week's Woodland Grocery Specials