This Week's Woodland Grocery Specials
Oyster mushrooms are in peak season right now. Look for them on aspen, poplar, and birch trees 1-2 days after a good rain. They are often 15 feet or more off the ground, so a long, sturdy stick is essential for harvesting.
Wild Oregano is very easy to harvest and dry. When you find some, it will be plentiful. So you can collect enough to last all year in only a few minutes. Warning, when you harvest it you may find yourself craving Italian food for dinner.
Touch-me-not, aka jewel weed, has a very succulent stem. It is soothing for bites, stings, and poison ivy. Apply the mashed stems directly, or make a slurry in your blender and freeze it in ice cube trays for when you need it.
Pepperweed seeds tastes like (you guessed it) pepper. The seeds can be used fresh or dried and stored for later. Like Wild Oregano, you can collect an entire year's supply of pepperweed seeds in only a few minutes.